Office of 信仰 & Spiritual Life

信仰 & Spiritual Life at AU

信仰 and learning go hand-in-hand at 8月ustana University. The Office of 信仰 & Spiritual Life supports students as they ask questions, explore vocation, as well as discover more about themselves and the world God made.

  • 作为一个 university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (新教), 8月ustana is rooted in a particular Christian tradition, while also being radically open to those who are not of that tradition. All are welcome, wherever they are on their spiritual journey.
  • A rhythm of daily worship grounds the campus community and gives worshippers practice for how to live and serve as God’s people. Chapel services lift up a variety of theological perspectives and musical styles.
  • 校园 pastors are available for prayer, vocational discernment and spiritual care.
  • Programming is student-led and includes regular opportunities for Bible studies, service, faith conversation and leadership development.

校园 Ministry at AU

Worship Schedule

Summer 2024

  • June 12, at 10 a.m. — Chapel Green
  • June 26, at 10 a.m. — Gazebo/Labyrinth
  • July 10, at 10 a.m. — Froiland Science Complex (FSC) Courtyard
  • July 24, at 10 a.m. — Rolvaag Cabin
  • 8月. 7, at 10 a.m. — Outdoor Classroom

Academic Year

Office of 信仰 & Spiritual Life

Meet the 校园 Pastor

牧师. Ann Rosendale is a proud graduate of 8月ustana and has served her alma mater in the role of campus pastor since 2012. Her previous calls include serving as associate pastor at Peace Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls and participating in a 2-year pastoral residency program at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Davenport, Iowa. She is an alumna of the LECNA Fellows Program, certified diversity advocate and trained Braver Angels moderator. She also holds a certificate in interfaith leadership from Interfaith America. She is married to her husband, 凯尔, and together they share in the adventure of raising two children, Arthur and Edith. Her educational background includes M.Div., 2008, Princeton Theological Seminary; M.A. in Youth Ministry, 2008, Princeton Theological Seminary; and B.A. in Religion and Philosophy, 2004, 8月ustana College.

Ann Rosendale

Meet the Interfaith Chaplain

Jen Dreiske joined the 8月ustana University community as its inaugural interfaith chaplain in 2023. Dreiske serves the religious and spiritual needs of the entire university, paying particular attention to those of non-Christian faith traditions. With more than 20 years of leadership and teaching experience, she is a skilled community educator, collaborator and advocate. Dreiske regularly presents and leads complex conversations on topics of religious literacy and the spiritual tapestry of South Dakota to students, teachers, organizations and public forums. She has developed and curated trust within the interfaith spaces and communities in our area. Dreiske has a B.A. in religious studies and anthropology from the University of Minnesota. She also serves as the chief operations officer of South Dakota Voices for Peace and project man年龄r of South Dakota 信仰 in Public Life, and is the former president of Mt. Zion Congregation synagogue in Sioux Falls.

AU logo

Chapel of Reconciliation

Ministry Services


Catholic 校园 Ministry

faith fest





Latest 新闻

大斋节, which begins on Ash Wednesday, more than six weeks before Easter, is a “meaningful season to so many Christians.” So meaningful that 8月ustana’s campus pastor decided to build programming around the season — programming now known as 大斋节en 信仰 Partners.

While its mission, identity and core values remain the same, 校园 Ministry at 8月ustana University will now be known as the Office of 信仰 & Spiritual Life — a reflection of the broad scope of work that is already taking place.

8月ustana University is elated to announce it has received a historic $13.8 million gift to help support students who are active and eng年龄d members of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (新教) congregations throughout the Midwest. Thanks to the generous gift from Rosemarie and Dean Buntrock, the university has established the Buntrock Scholars Program.